Monday, November 18, 2013 4:05 PM
Insecurities, with a touch of rant.
First off, having your rant about our situation via twitter is pretty dumb considering you'd already apologized.
Secondly, apologizing because it has offended someone without merely meaning it, has no effect whatsoever therefore your apology means dirt really.
Thirdly, when insecurities are involved you would think that with the slightest amount of logic involved, it actually, genuinely and seriously means something to the person because according to fucking GOOGLE an insecurity is
"uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence or the state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection."
If we go by this definition, why on earth would you try to defend yourself again another person's insecurity. If someone makes them feel this way, feeling in a vulnerable state and degrading their confidence, why on earth would you do that to something who you supposedly care about? You never question or judge someones insecurities because it is THEIR OWN INSECURITY, who in the right would do that to someone and why?
Also, coming up with a petty excuse such as I don't understand why it is a big deal or I don't see what the problem is before you apologize and using it as defense really does not help your case whatsoever. ANY INSECURITY IN WHICH IS NOT YOURS, DO NOT QUESTION IT, DO NOT JUDGE IT AND FOR GODS SAKE DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE IT. Why? BECAUSE IT IS NOT YOUR OWN, YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND IT , LET ALONE KNOW THE REASONING BEHIND WHY IT IS AN INSECURITY. why not? well maybe because it will NEVER affect you the way it has affected someone else. If if you tell me about your insecurity, even over a thousand times, I will never understand it because it doesn't affect me the way it affects you.
So my lovelies, before you go ahead and get yourself involved with feelings and insecurities, keep in mind that they are only revealed when you're close with someone. Therefore if you have gotten close to someone to such an extent where insecurities are discussed comfortably, you should not be fucking around with it by finding a phony excuse for your mistake. BECAUSE YOU'VE CLEARLY OFFENDED THEM BUT YOU KNOW THEY'RE NOT AFFECTED AT ALL BY YOUR ACTIONS BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT THEM TO BE, SO ITS NOT YOUR FAULT...
yes it is, build a bridge and get the fuck over it.
you made a mistake, yes, so do something about it rather than feeling sorry for yourself and some bullshit excuses along with it.
just saying.