Wednesday, January 1, 2014 4:48 AM
Reflection & New Years resolutions
A reflection of 2013, could be described as Difficult, Struggle, Hard and A test of strength.
But I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't great as well.
Every year seems to challenge my limits more and more, family and home life wise, I feel like last year I've grown up the most because of all my responsibilities and the priorities that I had to put forward. It was a huge year for me and I'm really glad I got to end it all with a fabulous trip to Noosa.
In all honesty, I will admit that I the tiniest part of me misses school, only because there was always that group of moral support you had there, whether it be your social circle or a group of close teachers, i actually miss it. I swore I'd never say that but it's the truth.
A lot went down in 2013 and I feel like I'm finally getting back on track with my health and fitness goals because I'm enjoying having this small break to myself. But I'm back on it, eating clean and training 6 days a week. I've also recently start using the gym floor alot more, I really don't care about the big guys there now, I'm there for myself and if I'm lifting lighter than you are then I'll get there someday, I don't care about them anymore. Although one downside to using the gym floor is getting blisters from curling and deadlifting..
Someone please get me some gloves or remind me to get some cos I know I won't.
New Years resolutions
-Get Stronger, I want to be able to lift more and slim down so that I have more definition.
-Slim down, I've been told having a goal weight of 65kgs isn't great for someone with my body structure and I do have big bones and broad shoulders. No I'm not giving you the whole "I'm not fat I have big bones bulllshit" I really do, but I want to achieve it and see how I feel, if I don't feel healthy then I'll see what I do.
-focus more on myself, my own goals and set new achievements to always improve
-pay attention to my well being. Part of the reason why I slipped on my health and fitness goals was due to my lacking of taking care of my wellbeing. The way I was raised. It's always everybody before myself, i need to start being selfish.
-drink more water, people who know me well are probably like what the fuck Michelle?!? But apparently I should be drinking even more than I do, so that's important.
-don't get dragged down by others who think of you with less importance than you do.
-move on..
There's quite a few more but they're personal so I can't..