Tuesday, November 19, 2013 5:59 AM
A lesson recently learnt. Do not let anyone change you. I have come to this realization after only realizing how negatively someone had impacted my life. In my mind, this person was rainbows and butterflies but they were really creating this opposite affect.
I stood there reasoning with myself as to why I should walk away from this before it becomes nastier. Then it hit me. The person I am, what i've become and my attitude towards some things is really quite negative and small minded. I had myself and my brain wired into thinking in a certain way or perspective that was really narrow minded, not to mention the change in the personality.
This person had made a huge impact on my life... Just not a good one..
I really hate this person i've become because of them, my energy levels have been so low lately and my mindset is so negative, nothing like my usual positive self.
The moral to this quite personal post is not to let anyone change you. You may end up losing the good qualities about yourself.
From here on out, it's about being true to myself and changing my ways.