Friday, December 6, 2013 8:33 PM
Trigger object.
A sign.
A sign to know whether or not you should be leaving.
A sign to know whether or not his feelings actually reciprocate yours.
And lastly, a sign to confirm something that you've needed to know for awhile now.
People who are reading this probably won't make any sense of it, mostly because it sounds bloody ridiculous but if you understood and saw the situation for what it is, you'll know quite clearly that what's lacking is that confirmation and reassurance.
Today I finally got one, I got a sign.
Simply with observation and scanning. Your phone went off and you kind of laughed and said oh it's (insert name here), and I wasn't jealous or anything like that because you can talk to whoever the fuck you want to. What opened my eyes was when the conversation kept going and such, a genuine smile pulled up on your face.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that smiling at things can mean anything but it's completely different when a genuinely happy smile pulls up. I mean I continue explaining but there's nothing really else to say.
I suppose it sounds really insane, but I saw it, and that's the way I smile when I'm talking to you or even with you. But what needs to be understood here is I only smile like that when it comes to you. There will always be one person who makes you smile differently because of the way they make you feel.
And that has made me finally decide what my course of action is, because it needs to be done, so very much.