Tuesday, December 31, 2013 8:10 AM
First post of 2014
The best New Years ever, not.
I drove to the city today with a friend so we could hangout and watch the fireworks.
She ended up leaving me literally at the car park, I'm so fucking angry rn because she said she knew the way back, that'd be fine if my phone didn't have 8% battery.
And so I struggled finding my way back and all was well until I took the wrong exit and could not find a way back. I ended up somewhere in fucking tarragindi?! Where the hell is that even?!
Well I almost gave up and parked on the sideline crying cos my phone was al,out dead and it had lead me even further away from my destination.
I pulled over in a street and I saw a guy walking, he was lovely enough so stand there dummyfying the directions down for me to understand.
He was even lovely enough to give me his number to call for more directions because I was confused as hell.
Fuck life.
When you need help or anything you'd think you'd able to call/text "someone" for assistance. Nope, happy new year Michelle, it's time to be happy and move on.
If you can't even get help or anything really, out of them when you're stranded I'm the middle of nowhere, then clearly so,etching has got to change..
New year, new me. Screw everyone else, just focusing on myself from now on.